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I am a newbie that becoming an artist, i din't realise i want to join this industry but i would try my best.

After watching a captivating animated film, i couldn't stop thinking about the characters and the vibrant world they inhabited. I started drawing scenes from the movie and realized that i wanted to bring my own stories to life through illustration

As a child, i was obsessed with movies. One day, after watching a particularly inspiring film, so i decided to start attract to creative industries

Just love to express my idea and feeling in art form. So that why i decided to spread my passion in creative industries.

I was fascinated by the combination of art and storytelling, and I began creating my own comic strips. My friends eagerly awaited the next installment of my stories, and their encouragement fueled my desire to improve and explore new techniques.

Found out that creative industries provide unparalleled freedom to express your ideas, emotions, and perspectives. This freedom allows you to shape your work according to your vision, making each project a unique personal statement.

Each piece told a story, a glimpse into a different world. As I drew my first shaky lines, I felt an excitement and joy I had never experienced before.

When I was four, I loved playing with drawings, spending hours creating colorful drawings on papers & stick them on walls like gallery. In elementary school, I realized I wanted to work in art. By high school, I joined the manga society and learned a lot of basic knowledge. Each step deepened my passion, solidifying my dream to work in the creative industries.

I am eager to bring my unique perspective and skills to the creative industry, to continue learning and growing, and to contribute to projects that have a lasting impact. The creative industry is where I belong, and I am excited for the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.

I think it was when I'm around 5 ,where I'm exposing to arts the most as my parents send me to art tuition class along with my siblings. Then, I get highly motivated by ather artist from social medial back when I'm in high school which makes me realise that I wanted to work in creative industries

Since i started have interest in animation when i was young. Not about that, i also have an interest to draw out and create a character that came out of my mind

after joining clazroom i realize i have some skills for 3D arts.

Since I was a child, I've always been interested in most spectrums of art. I'm hoping to dive into the 3D modeling industry but I also self-study in 2d illustration. I've gone into my journey hoping to work with people I admire. I hope to learn and study from my peers and hopefully become successful just like them. I wanted to be someday skilled enough to also train my future juniors.

I've always loved animation. As a kid, I went to a Toy Story 3 behind-the-scenes presentation by one of the lead creators. It was awesome and interesting to learn how animation is made.

My creative journey started when I saw a friend’s artworks. He showed me his amazing artwork, and it instantly sparked my own artistic passion. I felt inspired and decided to create a portfolio with my own 3D modeling .

The first time I realise I wanted to work in creative industries is because of Final Fantasy. The prop and character in the game is awesome! I would like to learn about how the industries develop a game and how to create a project.

After some tragic emotional trauma involving scholastic abuse and self-harm, I developed a sort of metal defense mechanism by drawing characters and writing small bits of story for them. It helps me feel a sense of completeness in times of deep loneliness and depression.

i had an interest in game design and machanics when i was playing games when i was younger so i decided to look into it more, i liked how certian design choices influences how the game is played. Also looking at game art it was cool too see what people came up with, i joined the creative industry because i belive i can explore more of these interest and gain the skills to be a part of it.

Nothing specific , just i think this is what i can do . And i wish to join into creative industries to test my limit.

Just love drawing , that why wanted to work in creative industries see whenever what i can contribute to this industries with the skill that i have.

After seeing the work of Artgerm, I was really inspired to draw like him. That's why I joined Claz'room to pursue my dream of working in the creative industry.

At 13, YI played Resident Evil for the first time. The eerie atmosphere, intricate details, and gripping story left a lasting impression. The way the 3D graphics brought fear and excitement to life was mesmerizing. This sparked a realization: I wanted to create such impactful experiences. Diving into 3D modeling and game design, I spent countless hours honing skills. The goal was clear—craft immersive, thrilling worlds like Resident Evil, making players feel truly alive