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Uni Concept Art (Year 2)

Uni Concept Art (Year 2)

by Rylara on 12 Apr 2024

Concept art pieces I created for my second year of university, based on a brief: Elizabethan Era England + a genre of our choosing (I chose High Fantasy).

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Completed concept art pieces that I created for one of my modules during my second year of uni. Our brief asked us to combine the aesthetics of Elizabethan Era England and another genre of our choosing, and I chose to incorporate High Fantasy.

Thumbnails exploring shapes for the armour concept.

Thumbnails exploring shapes for the dress skirt, neckline and corset.

Concepts for the environment, looking at different room layouts and furniture designs.

When creating my environment concept, I chose to go into Maya and create a 3D model from scratch so I could use it as reference. I found that this helped speed up my workflow a lot, because once the model was finished, it was easy for me to adjust the camera and explore which angle would be most effective at showing off my concept idea, before actually starting on the artwork.

Exploring different colour variations for the stained glass.

Exploring different colours for the walls of the middle room.

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