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Romantic Interest 1 (Damian)

Romantic Interest 1 (Damian)

by RachAll on 2 Apr 2024

Romaintic interest 3D model and texture painting

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A romantic interest for a group project assignment where we had to create our own game. This was the first romantic interest I came up with, and my favourite of all of them. This is because he's heavily inspired by certain characters from the video game Overwatch, which I am currently obsessed with. All models within this game are based on old PS1 graphics, so I needed to make him very blocky, and turn down the amount of detail I would have given him otherwise. As previously stated, he's my favourite interest I made, however, I wish I didn't give him ripped jeans. They look quite messy to me on his 3D model, and it isn't clear that they are supposed to be rips.

As a group, we also decided not to give the romantic interests faces, as they looked better with nothing there. 

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