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Una Fantasia

Una Fantasia

Zanchetta Andrea
by zancosmico on 10 Oct 2023

"Una Fantasia" is my second project created in Unreal Engine 5. It's the result of my concept, and it took me two months to complete.

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"Una Fantasia", realtime environment made in Unreal Engine 5.2

"Una Fantasia" is my second project created in Unreal Engine 5. It's the result of my concept, and it took me two months to complete. Additionally, I didn't use RTX for this project. I aimed to recreate a realistic environment with an initial urban and animal-themed section that gradually fades away as you enter an oriental-style cemetery. I created the statues from scratch based on a concept by @samcarr_ to give the place a more esoteric and mystical atmosphere.

These are the statues I created myself

The terrain was sculpted using Unreal Engine's Terrain mode. After that, I created and applied a shader that assigned different materials based on the face normals. In the X/Y axis, it's grassy, in the Z axis, it's rocky, and the in-between areas are earthy. I then added details using vertex paint. In the second phase of the project, I placed vegetation from Megascan, along with other elements also from Megascan, animals from an Epic Games gift pack, and statues I modeled myself. In the third phase of the project, I added various particle effects and volumetrics to enrich and enhance the atmosphere. Later, I completed it with daytime lighting, featuring warm, volumetric, enveloping light that created rays through the tree leaves and reflected in the constant rain enveloping the place. I also played with the cameras to create various visual effects like 'tilt-shift'.

I wanted to achieve a realistic scene that also had an esoteric and mystical charm. I used chromatic aberration and other artistic elements in Unreal's post-process volume for this purpose, both a global one for the world and those in the cameras

Colors played an important role. I aimed to maintain a green and spring-like vegetation to create relaxation for the viewer. The red of the stone lanterns, on the other hand, paired with the warm light, should provide a sense of security and comfort, even though it implies the presence of someone who needs to light them, despite the dark and weathered elements inhabiting the environment and the fact that it's actually an ancient abandoned cemetery. I wanted to use this logic with other elements as well, like the animals, warm and serene, such as the foxes and deer, in contrast with the ravens, which are omens of misfortune, while fireflies and butterflies were used to recreate the esoteric and fantastical atmosphere

The sky is constantly gray and cloudy, in contrast to the strong, warm light that illuminates the environment, another contrast that serves to fuel the surrealism of the place

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