Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
Matte Painting

Matte Painting

CG Imagination - Mikel Matsvik
by cgimagination on 25 May 2023

Our composite project where I tried to recreate CCTV HQ in frozen vulcanoscape.

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My first attempt at a Matte Painting in Photoshop.
I am quite pleased with it as first attempt.

The project was simple enough.
Draw a few sketches of a simple scene you would like to create.
Pick one sketch and use it to create 3 different moods which the class then votes on which you should create.

My class voted for me to visualise my 3rd sketch, a colour scheme I thought was cool but actually afraid to use.

My inspiration for the building was CCTVs headquarters as it is an iconic building and very interestering to look at.

And here's a breakdown of how I built the scenery.

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