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Abandoned torture room

Abandoned torture room

Daphne Voortman
by DaphneVoortman on 13 Feb 2023

An abandoned torture room. This was my first attempt at making a game environment in Unreal engine 5 with the use of the Quixel library. I focused on learning Unreal 5 engine and level composition.

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After a while working on this, finally I have the pleasure to share with you this piece I made with the help of the Quixel bridge library. A big learning experience for me to re-use assets in a clever way. It was something experimental but found a lot of fun working on this. Hope you like and thank you all for your support!

By focusing on learning Unreal engine I learned a lot about lighting and the particle system. As well as composition and thinking about player experience. Another important learning experience for me was re-using assets in a smart way. 

A  comparison between before and after comp.

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