Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
Plastic Ocean

Plastic Ocean

Phoebe Ma
by phoebeMa on 10 Jan 2023

Oceanic pollution is serious, this project makes a dialogue bwtween how AI and gaming can contribute to cleaning and recycling plastic pollution in the ocean.

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Plastic Ocean

My latest work creates a dialogue between how AI and gaming can contribute to cleaning and recycling plastic pollution in the ocean. 

Main idea is about sending different types of robots targeting to the pollution areas in the sea and collect plastic wastes. They can be remotely controlled by people in a game. And players here can use the plastic material build a virtual shared oceanic city.

As the whole project is based on robots collect marine plastic debris. They can detect and recognise plastic on it’s molecular level, maintenance and supervised at underwater stations, learn and develop through neural network. 

I believe it could be more challenging to actually make the robots and complete the system. Considering about politics, economics and societies elements, it still need more evaluation to realise.

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