Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
Lethal Seaside

Lethal Seaside

Samuel Mathiesen
by Hallwinter on 24 Oct 2021

My design brief for this project was relatively simple and largely inspired by Hitman: A room in a seaside resort or hotel, used as a hideout by an assassin hunting the members of a criminal organization.

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From whitebox to final scene. The initial starting point for me in creating this scene was the theme as well as the very basic layout of the room as seen in the whiteboxing below. From there I made basic textures for the room to start working on the colour palette of the scene.


Afterwards I repeated the same process with the furniture, creating a base set that I could use to finalize the room.

Structure & Lighting Changes

With the base elements in place, now I could start to finalize the scene by playing around with the structure and layout of the room, as well as the both the position and colour of the lighting.

Firstly, the room was too square and felt too empty towards the top, so I experimented with arches and a curved roof to alleviate this.

The central archways felt too cramped and didn't make much architectural sense, so I settled on the above structure, with some slight layout changes to the furniture and a revamp of the lighting to complete the final scene.

Below is a breakdown of the lighting and well as the unlit scene and the wireframe view.

Cliffs and plants from Quixel Megascans. Photographs created using Metahuman. Painting is "Paris, vu de la Butte Montmartre" by Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre.

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