Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!


Tiffany Tsang
by tiffanytsangart on 18 Jun 2021

Landscape of a floating island

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"Standing near the edge of the cliff, her eyes followed along the bridge suspended by rope, leading to a small island. She squinted her eyes, struggling to make out the larger, dark shadow that loomed further in the distance. Suddenly, a strong wind swept across the sky, clearing away the clouds to reveal two more islands, one significantly larger than the two before it. The largest island was blanketed by a field of grass dancing in the wind and dotted with trees of different shapes and sizes. And standing atop the highest rock formation of the island, like a proud statue on a plinth, stood a windmill, demanding the gaze of any passerby fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of its splendor."

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