Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
Macross Helmet

Macross Helmet

by dexyn on 20 Nov 2020

Helmet for TheRookies Bike Helmet Weekly Drills

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Round of applause for our sponsors

This is a Macross Helmet, based on Masei 911, with a grunge variation to peak the interest. Starting in zBrush to get the helmet to a solid point from reference, then over to Topogun to lower the resolution from some ludicrous number to a reasonable 2500+ tri-count. Exporting the various parts into Maya to UV and pack as tightly as possible.

When that was done, I rushed it into Substance Painter and got to work on the fun stuff, after sorting the strange hiccups of High to Low mesh issues. Came out with a pretty nice looking Macross Helmet.

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