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Houdini Dress and Hair Exercise

Houdini Dress and Hair Exercise

Emily Bisset
by ebisset on 30 Jun 2020

This was a short exercise to learn about creating basic clothes in Houdini.

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This was a short exercise I did to learn more about making hair and clothes in Houdini. I created the dress using Vellum, tweaked the hair I had set up previously and then put it all together on my stylised base mesh that I had made a couple of months back. I managed to set all this up in a day which is cool - it certainly helps to have base meshes/setups!

I rendered with Arnold in Maya just as that's what I'm most comfortable with but I would like to learn about rendering in Houdini as this is something I haven't really had a chance to have a good look at yet. I used Mixamo for the pose although unfortunately (I think because it's a stylised body), it looks like her neck is slightly broken! 

Nevertheless, I'm still really happy with how the renders turned out! I would love to learn Marvelous Designer in future projects but I'm reluctant to start my free trial until I have moved house this month!

This also gave me a good opportunity to try out my materials that I had made while learning Substance Designer last week. They're not really meant to be for a dress but I wanted to try them anyway for fun! I really like the lava texture, I think if I adapted it to suit the dress better it would be really cool.

Also while adjusting them I made this double exposure image which I thought was quite cool!

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