Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!


Bethany Fox
by bethanyfox on 31 Mar 2020

Set in Ancient Greece, a female warrior is led to the Temple of Athena by a mysterious ghostly figure.

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Third Year FMP: Stoneheart

My final year Degree Project is set in Ancient Greece and features elements from the tale of Medusa. I am the Lead Environment Artist and am responsible for the Temple building and its assets. We've come a long way given that we had to change our idea around December and start afresh!

This project was my first go at using Trim Sheets to texture a whole building, it went pretty well and I learnt a lot! I also had another go at Designer after a year since the floor texture didn't hold up with just the trim texture.

For more images and updates, see the project on Artstation here:

As of 22/05/2020 we have submitted for our final Gold deadline. Thank you everyone who's been following! :)

Kathe, a hoplite warrior journeys to the temple of Athena in the Golden Age of Ancient Greece. Led by a ghostly figure, she discovers the aegis of Athena, which still holds the deadly power of Medusa! Tricked, she is turned to stone and her spirit sent to Hades. Awaking in the shadowy Underworld Kathe must reach the beam of light that will reconnect her with the world of the living. Can she make it, and what secrets will she discover on the way?

Here is the Temple in another UE4 scene to play with some different lighting and layout options.

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