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Frankenstein's Monster

Frankenstein's Monster

Teemu Hartikainen
by dmumah on 30 Mar 2020

My submission to The Rookies - Monster challenge. Took the 2nd place. 🥳 The objective was to create "A modern Frankenstein's monster" by mixing human and animal features. There were also pictures of the actor Ace Ruele included, who was thought to portray this monster. I took inspiration from

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"Frankenstein's monster"

My submission to The Rookies - Monster challenge. Took the 2nd place. 🥳

The objective was to create "A modern Frankenstein's monster" by mixing human and animal features. There were also pictures of the actor Ace Ruele included, who was thought to portray this monster. I took inspiration from tigers to anatomy of his arms, and from bears to the lower body.

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