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I was studying Biology, Chemistry and Art in college. When it came to thinking about career prospects and picking what to study for, I knew I could either do what might land me a more secure job in Biology or Chemistry, or I could do what I have always enjoyed and dreamed of, and see if I can make a career out of it. I took the leap to study Concept Art at further education to try and break into the entertainment industry.

I was studying Product Design A-level, and after doing a project heavily based around CAD, i realised this was the area i wanted to work in, using the virtual software to create masterpieces opposed to hand crafting them out of raw materials, it gave me a much higher level of control and precision that i loved.

After my first year of college when I went into Animal Management and didn't like it compared to creating art. Plus getting into video games, movies and shows and the whole design of characters and creatures. I love creating so why not take the opportunity to learn more.

Started using 3d modelling tools as a hobby when I was 12 and became completely fixated on the world of game development and art in my last year of secondary school. I then explored it by going to college to learn more about the fundamentals of creating art for games. During college, my ambition only grew and pushed me further into learning, experimenting and entering University.

I decided I wanted to be an artist when I was 9 after learning about Gustav Klimt and Vincent Van Gogh. I have persued that dream ever since.

I realized I wanted to become a concept artist for games/film around the year 2017 with the release of the game Horizon Zero Dawn! The character and mecha designs of the game really inspired me to develop my own artistic skills in order to one day join the industry in the future.

It was during my childhood when I received my first gaming console as a gift. As I immersed myself in the interactive worlds of those games, I was captivated by the storytelling, the artistry, and the ability to create immersive environments that transported players to different realms. As I grew older, my fascination with video games expanded beyond just playing them. I began to explore 3D environment creation as a hobby and realised this is want I would like to do as a profession.

I first wanted realised I wanted to work in the creative industry back in 2014. This is where I stumbled across the fantastic artwork of concept artist Trent Kaniuga and ever since I have been trying to take an educational path that would lead to the game and film industry. My journey really picked up the pace when I came to Staffordshire University to learn Games Art. I eventually chose to specialise in characters as I am most passionate about them.

I discovered the existence of the entertainment industry when I was just about to complete my matriculation exams in 2018. Thanks to a serendipitous move, I found ArtStation as a category on Twitch back in 2018, and I was in complete awe of the beautiful art that was showcased. It was at that moment I decided to become an artist and begin my art journey!

I realised I wanted to work in the creative industry from a fairly young age. After finishing school, I enrolled into a collage for art. During these years I improved my skills and prepared myself for the possibility of working in the industry. Sadly I had not yet fully decided where I wanted to hone my skills but after a couple more years of study and life experiences I decided that 3D and 2D art is my calling. And thus my adventure continues, striving for a happy ending!

Since I was a kid video games like System Shock and Bioshock brought out the creativeness in me and since then I strived to become someone that creates worlds full of creativity

I'm drawn to the creative industry because it allows me to express my unique perspective and ideas. I'm passionate about art, design, and innovation and want to collaborate with like-minded individuals to inspire others. I'm eager to bring my artistic vision to life and make a meaningful impact through my work.

During lockdown, I got my first PS4 and played "The Last of Us". Since then I care about gaming, and realised that it can carry a narrative that makes a difference. Inspired, I started learning Blender and modelling on my dad's old laptop. I found it to be a calming and expressive like my passion for writing. Games are important. Throughout the years, I've needed to pursue a career in Games. This is something I truly love and know I will have a future in.

I've always had a fascination with creating. Whether through the Lego's I played with or the paint splats on paper which proudly adorned my families fridge in my younger years. As my sophistication with the medium grew I found greater fascinations in visual stories. What we wear, how we carry ourselves, the imprints we make on our homes and the environment around us. We wear our histories on our backs and a career where I can show that would be nothing short of a dream come true for me.

I've always had a passion for video games ever since my father bought me my first console, the Nintendo NES. It never occurred to me that pursuing a career in gaming could be a possibility until recently, but since then, I've been completely invested. I joined a game art and design course and was fortunate enough to travel to the UK to further nurture my passion.

II have always been inclined to sketch the world around me, a practice that naturally guided me towards a career in the arts. Throughout my secondary education, I cultivated my artistic skills and explored diverse creative techniques, leading to a passion for creating tangible art pieces. Over time, my interests evolved towards game art, particularly fascinated by the realistic depiction in video games.

I first realised I wanted to work in creative arts when I was in college and saw the Quixel Rebirth short film, it really inspired me to get into environment art which has led to me where I am now :)

Studying Fine Art in college and my passion and interest for games made me realise I wanted to work in the creative industry.

I've always wanted to work on games ever since playing games on my PS1 or PS2. Every week I'd go to blockbuster get a pre-owned game and play it all weekend. I would always try and see how things were built and how people created these worlds.

Since high school ive always been fascinated and wondering how video games have been made, specifically the modelling aspect of it all.

A few years ago I was introduced to Vrchat and I became very interested in 3D modelling, soon after I became familiar with blender and now I'm studying game design and animation at Staffordshire.

I, like so many others, Grew up playing Games and loving every second of it. I always knew I wanted to work in this industry, but in my final year of Sixth Form I tried out a little program called SculptrisPro and fell in love with Sculpting. I knew then that I wanted to be a Games Artist, and have come a very long way as a Character Artist Since then.