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My name is Jan Miguel Blanca Goce and I come from Rome. I graduated in Product Design from the three-year course in ISIA ROMA DESIGN where I then obtained the degree of Second Level in Systems, Product and Service Design. I completed my studies by training as 3D Generalist at the Rainbow Academy at the Master in 3D Digital Production.

The world of Art and Architecture has always fascinated me since I was a little girl. Everything related to creativity has always aroused a curiosity in me ,stop to look at a work and try to find the hidden detail that makes it unique.

Roma.Italy Maria Caterina born in 1994. I have been drawing for as long as I can remember. I remember in primary school creating my very first character named Amelié, in middle school I liked drawing anime/manga, in high school I wrote my two stories "Apocalypse - Gloria et Honest Domuns" and "Shalom - the dream. hope. love". I graduated from SRF (Scuola Romana dei Fumetti) in Drawing and Comics Technique. I graduated f

I started with graphic design at the age of 13, when I was taking my first steps with Photoshop, Illustrator and After Effects. I graduated in communication design at the Polytechnic of Milan where I fell in love with the world of 3D while studying. After attending a professional training course in Computer Graphics and 3D Animation at Rainbow Academy, I'm honing my skills as a 3D Artist Generalist with a strong passion towards Lighting.

The love for 3D was born in me from a very young age, from the moment I got hold of the famous Sony videogames console: PlayStation. The interest in seeing CGI videos, understanding how something similar could be achieved and how to make something that does not exist "photorealistic" fueled a great curiosity in me.

I have always been a big fan of video games. During my university years I became more and more interested in everything behind the creation of a video game, in particular the artistic side. I am always fascinated by the idea of being able to create in 3d imaginary worlds.

I realized that I wanted to work in this field since I was a child. I always liked to draw and create compelling stories. I took the university path in architecture and from there I discovered the world of architectural visualization and 3d modeling. It is from the first year of my studies that I realized that archviz would be my path. For this reason after university I continued to study, deepening this topic in a specialized master’s degree

Since I was a kid, I began to develop my passion and a personal taste for games, which further matured into practical knowledge throughout the years of university, when I spent quite some time doing 3D operations, such as modeling, sculpturing, and texturing for environments and characters. I’m keen on taking up the challenge to put to use all I’ve learned these last years: I’m motivated, curious, and ready to put myself on the line.

Since i was a child i realized how important for me is use the creativity every day.

I've always been fascinated by the endless artistic expression possibilities of animation. I've probably realised my love for FX while watching Frozen for the first time, all those effects were just magic.

I first realized I wanted to work in the creative industries, specifically as a gameplay programmer, during my teenage years. I had always enjoyed playing video games, but it was when I started tinkering with game modding tools and simple programming scripts that my interest truly ignited. The moment I saw my own code come to life in a game, creating unique mechanics and experiences, I knew this was the path for me. The ability to blend creativity with technical skills to craft interactive world

Hello, My name is Donato, i'm a passionate 3D texture, modelling and lighting artist with 3 years of professional experience. I would like to apply as a 3d lighting , modelling or surfacing artist at your company. I've worked at Rainbow CGI from december 2021 to october 2023, where i've been able to develop and improve skills as Lighting and Surfacing artist.

During my undergraduate studies in scenography, I discovered my passion for 3D design. This led me to pursue further education, enrolling in the Master of 3D Digital Production program at Rainbow Academy. Here, I refined my skills and deepened my understanding, preparing myself for a career in the dynamic world of digital art and animation. With dedication and a commitment to creativity, I am eager to bring imaginative visions to life through pixels and polygons.

I am a film student and a 3D animation student. Fascinated by the big screen from an early age, I moved to the capital to study at the Rome University of Fine Arts. From here on I took part in numerous self-produced projects, including my short film documentary and my stop motion animated shortfilm. After that, i studied at Rainbow Academy, to improve my 3D animation knowledge.

I have always had a very strong passion for cinema and multimedia productions. After having studied lights and camera photography in depth, I understood that I could have even more freedom of expression in 3D. I really want to be part of making a product that can absorb you into the screen and make you forget about everything else, like movies have always done for me.

I've always loved drawing, creating characters and little stories, but I started to realize it could be my future career when I was about 16. I didn't know there were so many opportunities as an artist, and my family didn't really support me at first. When I finally convinced them to give me a chance, they helped me enroll for the Rainbow Academy in Rome, and I put my all into learning everything I could. I finished the course as first of the class, with a full 100/100! I'm very proud of it.

I have decided to work in the video game industry because when I was a child, I used to experience a strong sense of curiosity about the creation of virtual worlds every time I played a new video game. Over time, I became passionate about environments and the stories they convey to the players, hiding small details for those who love to observe.

I am a Young Concept Artist and Illustrator with a solid artistic education, looking for of a dynamic environment where you can grow professionally. Creative, collaborative and eager to face new artistic challenges

The world of Arts and Creation has always been attractive to me since I was a kid. It was a matter of time till I sat down and thought, why not make what fascinates you... your everyday?

3 years ago, when I realized that, aside my technical skills, I've got a need for art skills and developed the strong desire to put my knowledge in technical fields to contribute in video game development.

Since I first came around to programs like Blender or Cinema 4D. I was 12 at the time and I realized the creativity I got by playing games needed to be satisfied in some ways, basically playing games made me want to make them, and the inspiration was growing impatient. By graduating from an art school I knew that I wanted it to be my career because as time went by I grew more confident and conscious of the world I was going to join.

I studied interior design at university and in all the group projects I was the member supposed to create 3D visualizations of the spaces. There I realised I wanted to deepen the fascinating world of creative media.

I always had a strong interest in digital productions and animation, also I love drawing. I discovered an incredible love for 3D industry when I found some works online. After 3D Master on Rainbow Academy I definitely love this world.