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I have been drawing and playing with art since I was a child. It has always been my passion with growth has changed from drawing to the world of 3d. I love to see how a world of objects and characters can be created from a cube or sphere.

4 years ago I started to lean towards the gaming industry, from drawing to 3D at first, then animation, character design, materials, learning something new and discovering my path every day, and now, I'm working my way into the Environment Art, with creating alive worlds as my ultimate goal X)

I did Mechanics and mechatronics at high school and i realised i was very talented on the project part with 3d softwares, so i have tried to mix my skill with the things i love, videogames.

I've always been actracted by art, but when I discovered concept art and started to represent my own worlds, that was the moment i knew that I was on the right way.

I was always passionated about videogames and four years ago I decided to learn by myself 3D modeling and Unreal Engine. During this time I come to realize my passion for environments and from that point i decided to study in a specialized videogame school.

I grew up in the 2000s, when the use of 3D became more common in the film industry. I was fascinated by everything related to spaceships, superheroes, imaginary worlds and fantastic creatures. The possibility of giving shape to your ideas and using them to entertain the audience is what convinced me to follow this path.

I've always had a creative side since I was little when I dreamed of working in the gaming industry but it seemed impossible, but I didn't realize it and couldn't bring it out until I finally randomly discovered the world of 3D in 2020. Then I decided to enroll in a course

My artistic style is strongly influenced by both my favourite artists and my high school degree in architecture and design. Sure enough my eye developed a distinct imprint that sometimes leaves a trace in my projects, although I’m still evolving along with my art.

I always loved drawing and video games so when i learned about the existence of concept art the step was fast, i decided after high school to join a Game Art school to learn th basics and the work flow.

I have realized that I want to work in this industry since I played the first "Halo", since then I have finalized my efforts to go to a school and enter this world.

Since the first year i studied Cinema and Media engineering at university i learned this is the place and the environment suitable for me.

Ever since I was a kid, I've been fascinated by how cartoons are created. I've always dreamed of bringing characters to life from my own creativity. That's why I started drawing as a child, then studied the word of art seriously, and approached 3d Animation.

I was always in contact with art cause of my mother art vein, but when I really realized that I wanted to work with my art was when I needed to choose where to go in secondary school, I in fact choosed an art school to follow my objectives. now I am learning more to improve my skills by accomplishing a three years course at the Event Horizon School.

I started approaching drawing as a child and throughout my journey so far, I have come to approach the creative industry, especially after my enrollment in the Event Horizon School. The discovery came towards the end of high school when trying to find a way I stumbled upon the industry also dovuita to my grandbde passion for video games.

When I first saw some Minecraft animations back in 2011, I wondered how I could do that, and I started doing some rigs to animate, then I really got into it and started doing some modelling and sculpting, and I loved it so much.

since I was 7 years old and watched pokemon and through origami and crafts with paper, scotch tape and newspaper I created, modified my own creatures inspired by the franchise, since then I tried to work developing creatures and characters from drawings or from 0

coming from the post soviet block, I didn't have many possibilities to play games when I was little, so when got my first gaming console, a Nintendo DS in 2010, I realized that I wanted to make games to make other people happy while they played games I participated to :)

I was in my third year of high school in Italy, when I came out with the idea to create a 3d animation about how the lac and tryptophan operons worked to explain that to my classmates. While I was creating the scene I realized I wanted to be a 3D artist.

I discovered this industry by watching 3D modeling tutorials by chance, and after this coincidence i knew that i wanted to learn every thing about it. And now i am improving my 3d modeling skill working on hard surface models such as weapons and robot.

I'm a huge video game lover, the first world I ever touched was World of Warcraft and all their games are a big source of knowledge for my personal art style. Other than that, I've always had a passion for art expecially for the digital one. And now, after years of study, I'm trying to come into contact with as many realities as possible to improve my skills more and more. And, of course, searching for a fun job that encourages me to discover myself more and more!

A few years ago I wanted to take this path, I think it was the right choice, to work as a team to achieve common goals and make happy the people who look after our work

when i discovered what concept art was!

When I was young and played Metal Gear Solid I began to be curious about how this ideas and these worlds came to reality through 3d.

When I was 17 years old my older brother showed me a breakdown of the White House done with Blender and I immediately fell in love with it; I installed Blender on my computer and began to play with it. But I had to finish high school so I didn't spend as much time as I wanted on Blender. Now I'm 19 years old and now I attend the first year at the Event Horizon School of Digital Art in Turin, Italy. I'm so excited to show the world my determination and my willingness to learn and improve!