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While in high school I was watching a movie and I fell in love with the visual effects and realized that's what I wanted to do and give the audience the same feeling of awe that I felt. I started playing around with Blender a few months ago with the help of tutorials. I am just beginning to make my own independent models.

After seeing the Lord of the Rings trilogy as a kid, I knew that I wanted to work in film in some way. I used to be fascinated with the 'behind the scenes' featurettes that were included on the DVDs and would watch them for hours on end. As I grew older, I started taking an interest in VFX and that's when I decided that it was what I want to do as a career. And Star Wars .... can't forget Star Wars!

I was about 12 when I stumbled upon a free animation software called MMD. It is, admittedly, very nerdy, and not professional. However, it got me to grips with animation. I have been actively learning since I was 13. Now, with a decade of experience, I am proficient in maya. i can't wait to learn all the programs I've researched to be necessary, even if i did get comfortable with maya.

Games have always been a constant source of comfort and love in my life, and I realised early on that I wanted to bring that same love to players around the world. Since then I have focused my studies on characters and world building, and hope to get involved in AAA development in the future!

I knew it ever since childhood when I first saw Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings in the cinema with my granddad.

I have been following digital arts since I got my first laptop at 13 years old. However, it was only at the age of 17 where I finally decided I wanted to begin a career in something that was both visually creative and technically challenging. Since then visual effects has been a strong passion of mine.

Animation has always been a great inspiration to me, my earliest attempts being short stop motion films using lego figures captured through a webcam for fun. Having recently specialised in 3D animation at university, working with like minded and creative teams to develop gripping story’s and characters, the prospect of possibly working on animation in the industry excites me.

I've always adored comics and animated media. When I was younger I found myself exploring the concept art behind my favourite movies, shows and games, spurred on by seeing the production notes at the end of Superman; Red Son. As time has gone on, and I've dedicated a lot of my time to engaging with the brilliant stories of artists like J.D Stevenson, Mokoto Yukimura and others, I can't imagine doing anything more fulfilling than creating my own stories and exploring themes interesting to me.

I've always been passionate about film, games, animation and storytelling. I've been drawing since a very young age and have always wondered if I could follow a creative career with my passion. I decided to take the risk and pursue a degree in animation. Eventually, I would like my to see my work in feature films one day.

Watching my mother draw as a child and generally be a creative individual, and seeing how much she enjoyed it and how others enjoyed her work made me want to learn to draw. This began my love of art and the creative industry. I have studied in film and literature but have always gone back to illustrating. Studying a degree in Illustration and combining my love for games and art only consolidated my desire to be a part of the industry further.

I have always loved painting and illustration, but it wasn't until I started my A Level Fine Art course where I realised I wanted to create more and more art throughout my whole life. This, in combination with my interest in gaming, sparked a love for the creative industries, as I want to be able to use my skills to create something as part of a team.

When I was starting my A-Levels, I was experimenting with different styles of drawing in preparation for art. When I realised that it was something I could be good at, it made me feel motivated to push myself. This led me to try out an art foundation (and eventually a fashion degree). I felt inspired by so many different things and people, and it helped me to understand that I had something to offer the world. It was then that I realised I wanted to make an impact.

I first realised I wanted to work in creative industries at a young age. As a child, I often found myself bored at school, so I started exploring creative outlets. At 10 years old, I began learning video editing and motion design to pass the time. This early exposure to video production sparked my interest in the field, leading me to pursue a degree in it. However, after completing my studies, I discovered that while I loved working in cinema, video editing wasn't quite the right fit for me. Th

From a very young age, I knew that art was my calling but the moment I realised I wanted to work in the creative industry, particularly in the film industry as a VFX Artist started with the inspiring experience of watching the "Lord of the Rings" movies as a kid. The breathtaking visuals and immersive storytelling left a huge mark on me and ignited a passion within me that only grew stronger over the years.

I knew I didn't want to be anything but creative when I first started drawing as a toddler. I couldn't fathom why anybody else would, either. Whether it was writing stories, making up characters and drawing them, or translating them to 3D, I've always been in love with art and creating it. So, when a coworker of my parents' told me that I could be an artist as a job -much to the regret of my parents- I knew exactly where I was heading.

When I was 16 and had started to think about my career more seriously!

I realised I found more joy in pursuing my real passions in the creative arts than the academic subjects that subjected me to a lot of stress. I lost my motivation and passion in literature and writing due to the stress of exams and high academic expectations ,and with this I started to focus more in art. This made me realised this was something I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I combined both writing and world-building with art to pursue my dream to be a concept artist.

As a teenager I realised that there was someone out there that was making the games and shows that inspired me, and I knew I wanted to be like them.

I've always wanted to! But only in the last few years did I realise that it was truly a path I could take.

When I was thirteen years old I found out about concept art for games existed as a job you can do and since then i decided to work in games industry

I fell in love with VFX when watching Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings and after that Star Wars. Looking at behind the scenes videos and listening to the artists working on these films I realised how important is the role of the artists in creating the film. The history of special and visual effects enchanted me, also because I love both science and art (I was practising painting and drawing back then) I thought it's a good place for me.