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I’ve always been influenced by media while growing up; manga and anime had been a huge inspiration. After learning more about the creative industry in recent years, I immediately went back to school to pursue this path. I am constantly looking for new things to learn and improve to make this once hobby my livelihood.

Back when I saw Avatar, and the world of Pandora, I realized that this is it. This is something that I want to do, creating a believable fictional world.

Unfortunately, I don't have those cool stories where people knew they wanted to work in this industry since they were young. But what I do recall, is enjoying making doodles of things from games, films, or just my imagination but just as a fun little hobby. So when I was presented with an opportunity to join a winter boot camp for 3DSense Media School in Singapore, I got curious and decided to try giving it a go. It was after that boot camp, that I realized that I wanted to do this for a living.

I've been more into art than anything else all my life ever since I was a kid, and I was introduced to CG in 2016, I decided to pursue it 2 years later in 2018.

I have always liked drawing and painting but I wasn't sure if there was a viable career in the field . I always remember loving Stanley Lau's works . So in 2018 I decided to join his course to better my art skills and hopefully become some sort of an artist . It was only in 3dsense media school that I understood more about the entertainment art industry and started developing the skills necessary to head towards the direction of a concept artist and illustrator .

I've always loved watching cartoons, films and telling stories since I was a young boy and always spoke about them with more passion than my peers. It was after my 'O' levels when I found out that Nanyang Polytechnic offered a course on Animation and I decided to give it a shot. What I have learnt in my time there solidified my ambitions and I honestly think I will never be able to work in another industry.

I enjoyed making crafts step by step since I was young. I like the satisfaction when I create something and I find art interesting because It touches our heart without touching us physically. I started to wonder why we could feel emotion when we look at different kinds of art. So that made me want to explore more about the creative media and design industry. I decided to work in the entertainment industry because it’s always evolving and interesting.

I didn't know the existence of design until I entered polytechnic. As I learned more about design, little did I realized I actually do like doing design. When I entered 3dsense media school, I was brought into a world of motion design, where it was my first journey in creating my motion design animation. Which inspires me to work in the creative media and create amazing motion design.

After I graduated with a graphic design degree, I stumbled on 3d work. After experiencing what 3D is capable of, I have been awed by all the amazing works and i've wanted to work in the creative media and entertainment industry ever since. Which led me to enrolled in 3dsense media school in Singapore in order to fulfil my dream of working in the industry.

I’ve always been interested in art since I was a kid and wanted to pursue a career as an illustrator or animator. Having motion in our artwork is like giving life into it. It’s very fun, interesting and challenging at the same time. After finishing business school, my mom encouraged me to pursue art and I was led to 3dsense's mograph course. I enjoyed my time there and really appreciate the teachers' guidance and patience. It also helped me cement my passion and desire to be in this industry.

When I was a young boy, my father took me to the cinema to watch my first Disney film which was Tarzan at that time. It kind of inspired me to want to be able to join this industry in the future. As I grew up I got exposed to 3D games & films and it made me want to be able to do something like that too.

I always wanted to be an artist since Kindergarten. I was also absolutely in love with movies. Inspired, I would get lost in my own world, drawing things from my imagination. At 18, I still wanted to pursue art as a career and thankfully, my parents allowed me to decide for myself. As I looked around for art schools, I learnt that I it was possible to earn a living making animated films. It was exactly what I wanted, I could tell stories that shaped cultures and people!

I grew up watching sailormoon and pokemon during my childhood days and have fallen in love at how cartoons brought joy and laughter to people. After entering polytechnic, I entered a course of Digital interactive Media and get the chance to learn basic skills relating to the media industry. Since then I have always wanted to be involved in making a film or game and hope that people will enjoy what they have seen or play.

My real desire to enter the industry as a professional came while I was studying at 3DSense Media School. I realised then that this was something I truly enjoyed, thanks in no small part to the enthusiasm of my teachers and classmates.

I have always been in love with gaming and drawing since I was young. It was around my O levels that I decided that I wanted to pursue a job doing what I love - which was making art for games. Despite the advice from my teachers a career in art was not realistic, I persevered and enrolled in LASALLE College of the Arts and 3DSense Media School, where my passion as a game artist was strengthened.

Ever since I was young, I found myself being attracted to digital arts and video games. The cinematic trailers were surreal and I never knew the process of creating it. I studied graphic design for three years and did matte painting as a hobby. I then realised my 2D skill is not enough for me to step foot into the game industry and I even applied for BA in Games Design. It didn't work out well as all I really wanted to do was to create game characters/assets, not designing the game itself.

It was in high school, I used to play video games a lot. I loved to play role playing games and first person shooter games. After my high school diploma I wanted to work in video games industry. But art was not an option back then, and I studied computer science, programming and eventually management. I ended up working in industries completely different from my initial wish. One year ago, I decided to change my career path. Now, I'd like to work in entertainment industries for young audience.

My first interest began when I played my first StarCraft game and I was inspired by the characters and the fantasy world. I went on to take a diploma in Short Film Production in a local polytechnic but did not pursue media studies further and did a degree in Psychology instead. But my interest for media never waned and every time an animated movie was being shown, e.g. How to train your dragons, I often felt that I wanted to be part of that team that made it.

I've drawn from young by copying cartoon images and animated series that I really liked. Since then I have continued to explore with other medium of art. After I graduated from college in 3D media, I worked in an industry completely different from art because my family discouraged pursuing an art career. However, as the year pass by, I find myself still continuing drawing even with just small doodle on papers. Two years ago, I gathered courage and decide to pursue art again.

I knew after my first video game as a kid, Spyro: Year of the Dragon, that the gaming industry was something I want to be involved in. I like to design my own characters and worlds to broaden my imagination. Seeing the works of my favorite artists such as Cedrick Peyravernay and Sergey Kolesov, Ahmed Aldoori, and the late J.C. Leyendecker further inspired me to pursue a career in the creative media and entertainment industry.

I have always loved embracing my creative side for as long as I can remember, my childhood aspiration was to be an artist! However, in Asian societies, creative career paths are often frowned upon and I followed my parents' wishes, studying in schools that had nothing related to art. Nevertheless, I found myself still drawn to art and tried to get myself involved as much as possible. After my A Levels, I followed my heart and went head first into this industry, pursuing my passion!

I was really young when I fell in love with art, and ever since then I wanted to pursue a career regarding arts. The fact I grew up with less than stellar academics and a growing love for art just cemented. Plus, I had a lot of positive support from the people around me that really motivated me and allowed me to want to be some sort of artist when I grew up. In the end, it was just something I liked to think was something I was good at and had a passion for.

It was actually the result of a quarter-life crisis. I made the switch from being an arts manager to an animator. As a person who is hands-on, I’ve always loved to create and I realised that what I was doing wasn’t giving me fulfillment. I was definitely not 100% sure of my decision, which almost felt like a gamble to me. Exploration gave way to deep-diving the moment I fell in love with animation and the wonders of it. By producing something, I'd love to leave my footprint in the world.

Around the time I was 13, I was introduced by a family friend to the Studio Head of a local animation studio who very kindly explained to me their production pipeline and what goes into creating an animated TV episode. That event made me realize that this was it, this is what I wanted all along! And that's when I began to seriously consider a career in creative media and entertainment industry.