Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!


Michael Gordon Petterson
by michaelgordon on 25 May 2021 for Rookie Awards 2021

These are some of my personal projects from the last couple of months. Most of them are designed as a practise project for certain skills to enhance the workflow.

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Round of applause for our sponsors

Orientkaj in Copenhagen .

A still of the Metrostation i use everyday on my way to my internship at Cobe Architects, who just happens to be the creator of the station.

I built it after my own measurments and reference photographs taken on my way to and from work.

A New years salutation.

To celebrate the end of last year and send my gratitude to friends and family i created a litte new years salutation.


I try to practise as much as possible to gain speed and momentum in my workflow. With this project i used full 3D to reach the end reslut, keping the postprocess as light as possible.

A Ilustration of a typical workday.

A photomatch exercise to combine 2d and 3d assets with photography

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