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FX Challenge Update 1
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FX Challenge Update 1

by evanc on 18 Dec 2020 for Rebelway FX Challenge

This is my initial progress on the ground fracture simulation for the creature emergence.

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Update - 29 Dec 2020

Ground Fracture Debris

This is a flipbook of my current ground fracture RBD sim, with small debris added, both made with Houdini. The RBD sim, unchanged, was used to generate the debris.

The debris was sim was made with a few particle sims. Initially I tried to use the debris source node, and also  some timer attributes based on the active attribute and also time in motion that were carried over from the previous RBD sim to generate particles for the debris sims. I was not getting results that I like because some of the pieces move a bit, or are active for some time before they seemed like they should generate particles for the debris sim. Also, these weren't generating anything when he pieces hit the ground.

I ended up setting up the sources for the particle sims mainly utilizing the acceleration of the RBD pieces, culling a lot of the material that was not accelerating above a certain rate. This was combined with an age type attribute based on the time in motion of each piece from the RBD sim, and also the existing impact data. This way the particles are generated when the pieces break, get hit, and hit the ground, instead of just when they are in motion.

The debris chunks are some fractured pieces, instanced onto the particles, with varied scales.

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Update - 18 Dec 2020


This is my initial setup of the creature emergence, made in Houdini.

This is a flipbook of the initial setup for the creature emergence, made in Houdini. The creature emerges in stages, so I'm trying to set up the ground to react to that motion instead of bursting out all at once. Pieces were made with boolean fracturing, and simulated in bullet with soft constraints.