Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
Military Kombi
  Play by Play

Military Kombi

Military style Kombi. WIP

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Update - 15 Dec 2020

Today I saw this really nice geometrical camo pattern, so I tried doing something similar in SD. After hours of struggle I ended up with this:

It definetly needs some changes and tweaking but I think it's a step in the right direction and it's something I made from scratch

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Update - 13 Dec 2020

My goal in this contest is to create a military looking Kombi. I'll use a colour palette based on some German airplanes from WW2 and I'll include a shark mouth nose art and things like armored windows and metal plates all over the car. I'll definetly change some things but this is just a start.

This is my first try using the camo pattern that SP includes