Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
Power of illusion

Power of illusion

Majeed  AL-ZAIDI
by Majeed on 1 Jun 2020 for Rookie Awards 2020

Motion graphic has the power to alter the perception of visual colour, an illusion in the eyes.​​​​​​​ Through eyes we get 80% of the information from the World we live in. Very often they are our first impression of things we love - family, favourite places, dear people. They are overwhelmed with the enormous amount o

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Motion graphic has the power to alter the perception of visual colour, an illusion in the eyes.​​​​​​​

Through eyes we get 80% of the information from the World we live in. Very often they are our first impression of things we love - family, favourite places, dear people. They are overwhelmed with the enormous amount of information we receive from the world of hyper production, yet they help us filter what we care about. And, many thinks we make, we try making it in the way our eyes will enjoy it

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