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3D Environments

3D Environments

Donato Bitetto
by donato on 1 Jun 2020 for Rookie Awards 2020

Hi, I am a video game enthusiast and thanks to this passion I have always wanted to become a 3D artist specialized in creating real time environments . Here I place my best projects created completely by self-taught.

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Forest House

This is my first ever project. I was inspired by the balt video in which the youtuber finds a house in an extremely isolated area near the Chernobyl area. During the creation of the environment I tried to recreate a feeling of solitude and mystery while simultaneously trying to represent the life of the owner of the house.

This is the shot that, in my opinion, best captures the feeling of mystery and solitude experienced by the man who lives there. 

As a game engine I used UE4 with active RTX. Furthermore, a part of the models I created them with Blender while another part I took them from the Quixel Megascans library.

These two shots, however, capture the interior of the home showing us the lifestyle of the man who lives there. 

Again I created a part of the models while another part (that is, mainly the various containers) I always took them from the Quixel Megascans library.

Below I added other shots that, in my opinion, are interesting and the assets I created.

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