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Interactive Book For Children

Interactive Book For Children

Tan Li Xuan
by lixuan99 on 1 Jun 2020 for Rookie Awards 2020

An interactive storybook for children with augmented reality feature. The book is about healthy eating that delivered the message about the main reason and impact of obesity. So that children can learn and practice a healthy eating habit to grow stronger and have lesser health problem.

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Interactive Book for Children

An interactive storybook for children with augmented reality feature. The book is about healthy eating that delivered the message about the main reason and impact of obesity. So that children can learn and practice a healthy eating habit to grow stronger and have lesser health problem.

While using the augmented reality to read the book, user can see the character and the story hidden. There is different interaction in different pages for user to play with that showing information about healthy eating. The story will also continue and develop by depending on the choice made by user in the interactivity.

The Problem :

Obesity rate among children has increased over the years in Malaysia due to bad eating habits. According to a study in Asia in 2013, Malaysia was among the top three countries with a high percentage (11.5 percent) of obese children that aged between six months and 12 years. It is a serious problem as obesity can cause health problems to children and affects their daily life.

The Solution/ Message :

Increase children’s attention about obesity problem and healthy eating by providing them to learn real facts in a fun way. Thus, create an interactive book for children to let them know the problems caused by obesity in their daily life, and also educate them about healthy eating habits and ways to practice it in real life.

How It Works :

1. The book pages are scannable to see animation and information that are all about healthy eating and way to practise it. You can only read the text on the book without using the augmented reality app.

2. Use your device to scan on the book to see hidden things, see the short animation, play with the interaction to continue the story and have fun!

3. There is a key scene where user has to make a choice for lunch that will affect the character and the whole story.

4. Different choice of food has different character's appearance. The story will show how the user's choice affects the kid's daily life.

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