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Animated physical comedy series concept

Animated physical comedy series concept

Kimberley Henderson
by kimberleyhenderson on 1 Jun 2020 for Rookie Awards 2020

This is my initial concept for an animated comedy series. I will be developing this throughout my career as my personal project.

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This is my initial concept for an animated physical comedy series.

I base my storylines on personal experiences. This one in particular came from the horrible feeling I once had when I accidentally touched someones gum underneath a bus seat. 

I jot moments down of situations that make me laugh, are unusual or would be funny from the perspective of someone else watching. These moments become dramatically extended to a point of what would be unrealistic in the real world and can only be created in the animation/storytelling world.

It is a physical comedy approach to make the jokes as visual as possible so there is always something happening to engage in and watch. For the style I have gone with a paper texture and stop motion like attitude to capture the raw playfulness.

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