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Alex Cho - 2020 Entry for Rookies

Alex Cho - 2020 Entry for Rookies

by alexjcho on 31 May 2020 for Rookie Awards 2020

Hello. My name is Alex Cho and I am a 3D art student at the Gnomon School of Visual Effects. My work has a focus on modeling, texturing, and lighting with additional layers of look development. These are my two demo reel projects done as part of my demo reel class taught by Miguel Ortega.

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Kabuki Theater

This project is based on a concept by Thibaud Pourplanche. It tested my ability to interpret a piece of 2D art in 3-dimensional space and to convincingly replicate the same kind of dramatic lighting, materials, and mood conveyed in the artwork. Additionally, I brought my renders into Nuke, and used compositing to add extra lighting and atmosphere effects that could not be otherwise conveyed in just V-Ray. This project represents the culmination of all of my look development experience from school and the kinds of capabilities I can demonstrate in Nuke to enhance the visual fidelity and depth of my renders and models. The goal is to showcase my wider skillsets that are not just limited to a few software and to also prepare me for work in the industry.

Software used:

Maya, Zbrush, V-Ray, Substance Painter, X-Gen, Nuke, Photoshop

Concept by Thibaud Pourplanche

Wild West Challenge

This project is based on a concept by Sammy Smith. The concept was part of a series of narrative illustrations for the Wild West Challenge issued on Artstation. This particular concept resonated with me very strongly due to the intensity and high stakes of its story. My biggest challenge with this project was replicating the same kind of emotion and drama from the concept into 3D space, utilizing all of my modeling, texturing, and lighting knowledge from school. This project had a higher emphasis on story and emotion in comparison to my past works, which I believe to an integral aspect of working in 3D for entertainment and film. The camera movement is also more reminiscent of a dramatic film scene with high suspense and it also creates a sense of build-up to the reveal of the full picture of the scene.

Software used:

Maya, Zbrush, V-Ray, Substance Painter, X-Gen, Nuke, Photoshop

Concept by Sammy Smith

Thank you for viewing my demo reel works.

Links to the concepts:

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