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Concept Art - Veronica O'Neill

Concept Art - Veronica O'Neill

by zookie on 1 Jun 2020 for Rookie Awards 2020

Concept work on multiple personal projects.

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'Song of the Ancients' is a personal world-building project based on a unique setting and story that I have crafted for a D&D 5e campaign. In this section you can see examples of my ongoing conceptual work with one  major character, in additional to general explorations of other characters and  one region in the world. 

I initially began the project by returning to the basic concept of the character. I created some visual pieces to suit Destren's personality and aesthetic before returning to shape the silhouette of the character. It was vital to me that I created a new design that brought across her personality. As you can see by my explorations below, I explored both a more traditional warrior design and an aesthetic of flowing fabric that reflected the high society elements of her character. 

After the initial explorations, I found several silhouettes that I felt provided interesting shape language for the character, however,  I remained uncertain of the direction I wanted to take the concept. I felt torn between the two aspects of her personality that I wanted to highlight in her design - her story as a warrior and that of someone from high society. It took much deliberation until I settled on a new idea that combined these two aesthetics. 

As you can see below, I chose to have her base outfit as one that was warrior-like in appearance. Destren would also wear the loose flowing fabric designs I had come to love from my initial concepts over her warrior outfit. It was important to me that the additional fabric be designed in a way that would have allowed her to quickly remove it if she was pulled into a fight. Each piece of fabric would be pulled together by one or two clasps that could be dropped loose at a moments notice. 

I also created some closeups of hairstyles and ornaments that she would likely wear. 

The project of Destren's new concept is still ongoing and I am excited to take her design even further as I explore additional outfit concepts and weapon ideas. The below image is where her design is currently at. As you can see, I have settled on her overall look as well as a colour scheme that reflects the sun moving through the sky, drawing upon that imagery of light that is a core part of her idea. 

My key challenge going forward is to push this aesthetic even further to create something truly interesting and unique for her. 

Below are additional concepts from the same project. The first two comprise my initial work on two additional characters set in the world. The last set of images is a series of thumbnails showing Tar'lin, a desert location. 



A personal project designing a Star Guardian themed skin for Taliyah from League of Legends. Originally sketched as part of Inktober, I later returned to this concept to explore it in further depth. 

Below you can see my initial explorations and concepts. One of the key challenges with this concept was combining Taliyah's strong personality with the magical girl aesthetic that is a core part of the Star Guardian theme. Early on I chose to lean the design more towards a jumpsuit rather than the short skirt that is typical in magical girl outfits. I felt this jumpsuit design was more unique and helped showcase what she is like as a character. 

The final image showcases some thumbnail value work that was used to understand her overall aesthetic and feel of her design, based loosely on League of Legends splash art designs. 

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