Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
Anna Latchman Environment Art 2020

Anna Latchman Environment Art 2020

Anna Latchman
by annalatchman on 28 May 2020 for Rookie Awards 2020

Here are some highlights from my portfolio!

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Hello! I am a 3D environment artist who is about to graduate from Solent University. Towards the end of my degree I wanted to focus on creating high quality assets that showcase my texturing ability so this entry will have more of a focus on prop work. I hope to go back to creating whole UE4 environments now my studies are over so watch this space!

Abandoned Gas Pump - Game Ready Prop

For this project I wanted to push myself in Substance Painter so instead of doing a high poly I dived right in and created the damage by hand with the tools available. 

Fruit Cart - Art Test Brief

I really enjoyed working on this brief because it involved a lot of problem solving! I needed to keep an eye on the tricount so doing physics simulation and baking fruit was a fun experience to balance optimisation with high fidelity.

Isle of Avalon - Artstation Challenge Environment

Although this is an older piece from around November 2019, I wanted to share a larger environment.

Thank you so much for looking!

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