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Subtitle Dron

Subtitle Dron

by ainhoa on 26 May 2020 for Rookie Awards 2020

A drone that show you what the other person wish to say but fears to say it out loud.

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Subtitle Dron

When I moved to the UK to study, at first I found difficult to follow conversations, mostly in large groups, and I used to think that I wish I could see the conversation written somewhere like on TV. This in mind, I wanted to create something that is slightly big and that the users do not have to carry it around, and that it has to resemblance to the system subtitles creators use. The final result is a mix between old technology and new.

The peculiarity of the subtitle machine is that it does not subtitle what the other person is saying, instead it shows you what he or she would like to say but fears to say it out loud.  

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