Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
Little friend in the forest

Little friend in the forest

Seonghyeon Park
by ramgstory on 21 May 2020 for Rookie Awards 2020

I am happy to show you my work. This is a story about a chipmunk in the forest and I hope you enjoy watching it.

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Hello, everyone

"Little friend in the forest" is a story of a chipmunk. I want to show the calm and mind relieving atmosphere of the forest, and cuteness of the chipmunk.

I used Zbrush, 3D Coat, Mari, Maya, Advanced Skeleton, Nuke, and Megascans to make this artwork.

I hope you enjoy the warm and peaceful atmosphere.

Thank you.

 The images are showing representational poses of chipmunks, and I used depth of field to mimic some zoom-in shots in documentary films.


 While I was gathering reference images for the chipmunk, I was shocked that chipmunk's skins are purple unlike their fur. I couldn't just use image texture for the Mari, so I had to paint the color to create its skin map and a different texture map for the fur. this was applied to V-Ray Hair 3 material. 


 As I went through various trials and errors, I gradually learned how to use Xgen. In particular, I realized that the length and shape of the guide, the mask of clumping, noise, and random values were important.

 The most difficult part was making the tail fur. The shape of it changed every time it moved, and the color appearance was different depending on the angle of view. It was very difficult to show the correct color of the tail when using one description. So, through several attempts, I ended up using two different descriptions.

 Colors of the inner tail and outer tail are different, so the ramp was used to express the color difference.

 Actually, these images are parts of my film that I'm still working on. So, I look forward to seeing you again with a complete film next time. It has been so much fun creating something that I've imagined, and so happy to see other people's great artworks.

 Thank you for watching

 Have a great day :)

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