Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Portfolio 2020

Portfolio 2020

Romain Maistre-Bazin
by romainmaistre on 19 May 2020 for Rookie Awards 2020

Hello everyone! I am a 3D student, aspiring to become environment artist. In my entry, you can find some pictures of my latest works and from my graduation project, currently in progress. Hoping you enjoy it!

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1/ New York Storefront -UE4

Personal Work - Real-time project in Unreal Engine 4. This is one of my latest project, I wanted to create a realistic scene, by day, based on New York's streets. 

I based myself on a work of Maarten Hof and some other internet references. It was a good exercice to practise lighting, composition and color theory. Modeled with Maya, textured with Substance Painter and rendered with Unreal Engine 4.

2/ Ferrari 330 P4 - UE4

Personal Work - Real-Time project in Unreal Engine 4. This is my latest project in UE4. It's a reproduction of the Ferrari 330 P4, 1967's model, which in particular competed in the 24 Hours of Le Mans. 

I used the HDRI backdrop feature, very nice to create realistic scenes. The car was modeled with Maya, textured with Substance Painter and rendered with Unreal.

3/ Lamborghini Aventador - UE4

It was my first automotive project in Unreal. The goal was sensibly the same as the Ferrari project. In fact, to create a realistic image, and here to have a special mood, like a car in a dimly lit garage. 

This project was nice to learn about lighting in Unreal and especially raytracing and post-effects. The lamborghini was modeled with Maya, textured with Substance Painter and rendered with UE4.

4/ Ozone - UE4 Short Movie (Bellecour Ecole)

My graduation project is a short-movie which we decided to make on the game engine, Unreal Engine 4. For students like us destined for video games and real-time, Unreal was the obvious choice. Throughout the year, we tried to respect a video game pipeline : modeling kits, system of versions of details (V1, V2, V3 etc or "Agile Method") to ensure the finalization of the movie.

On this shot, I did the modeling and texturing of some props (pick up vehicle, buildings etc), and a base of lookdev and set-dressing before giving the project to my colleague Bastien Chagnon, who achieved an incredible lighting.

Actually, there is only one shot of the movie, one shot with this level of details. More renders will come soon. I share with you my teammates on this graduation project : 

Alexandre CADINOT :

Bastien CHAGNON :

Thibault EMPEREUR :

Guillaume PERRET :

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