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Rhiannon Remo Student Work 2020

Rhiannon Remo Student Work 2020

Rhiannon Remo
by rremo on 17 May 2020 for Rookie Awards 2020

As a student at Gnomon School of VFX Games and Animation, I've gotten to explore all aspects of the Game Art pipeline and learn the skills that allow me to create the narrative-driven and technical environments that I love. I hope you enjoy my portfolio from this past year!

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Here's a collection of my favorite work from this year

"The Rings"

The Rings is a real-time environment done in Unreal Engine 4 that I made for my Game Creation 2 class at Gnomon. In this project I was really focusing on heightmap and splatmap generation in World Machine as well as ocean shaders in Unreal. Figuring out the Gerstner waves, how to make the foam, and even just playing around with refraction and emissive parameters made the ocean take the most amount of time, but it was a blast to make! 

Based on a digital illustration by Luka Mivsek

Software used: Unreal Engine, World Machine, Substance Painter, Speedtree, Zbrush, Substance Designer


I normally build out full environments in Unreal, but I wanted to shake things up this time and try messing around with matte painting. By choosing an island as my main playable area, it allowed me to make the rest of the scene a matte painting as the player would never get that far. Doing it this way definitely saved a lot of time as I didn't have to model out any assets or texture anything other than the Island.

Based off of concepts by Patrick Faulwetter. 

Software used: Maya, Zbrush,  Marmoset, Substance Painter, and Photoshop.

"Snowy Temple" 

Snowy Temple is based off a concept I made for my Game Creation 1 class at Gnomon. In this project I especially focused on Materials that I could edit within Unreal, rather than being stuck with whatever texturing I would do in Substance Painter. This allowed a lot more flexibility, and enabled me to change large portions of the environment on whim. Everything you see here can be vertex painted based off height to either add snow, leaves, strip paint, or erode away stone. 

Software used: Zbrush, Maya, Unreal Engine, Marmoset, Substance Designer, Speedtree

"Dr. Yueh"

Dr. Yueh was created for my Character for Games class at Gnomon taught by Damon Woods. The entire piece is 29,831 tris. 

Based on a digital illustration by Even Amundsen.

Software used: Zbrush, Substance Painter, Marmoset Toolbag, Marvelous 

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