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David Walz 2019-2020 model/texture/generalist

David Walz 2019-2020 model/texture/generalist

David Walz
by bumpercarmcgee on 30 Apr 2020 for Rookie Awards 2020

This is my work from the past year or so which I've done in and out of my time at Gnomon so far. Some are personal projects and some are done for classes. Some are also projects that I started at gnomon and later decided to take further on my own.

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This old dwarf character bust is based on a sketch by Even Amundsen and is my first time trying to more realistic skin shading. I used V-ray (for Maya), Zbrush, Mari, Substance Painter (and Designer), and Marvelous Designer, as well as Texturesxyz for microdetail on the skin. It was done at Gnomon for my texturing 4 class with Tran Ma who is awesome.

This project was a book adaptation/character timelapse I also worked on at gnomon and was particularly challenging because I'm not an animator, so I was working with mocap data-- I also had to teach myself how to do a simple cloth sim, and both of those things are outside of my comfort zone. Although I wanted to focus mostly on modeling and texturing, it was really important for me to have the final project include animation because I wanted to work with a composer for this project.

this vintage racing car (and character) is inspired by the 1930s UK racing scene

Lois Van Baarle is one of my favorite modern artists and I believe she fully deserves her fame. This is an homage to one of her paintings

Lastly, this is based on a concept by Georgio Baroni and what I loved about the concept was how much character was obviously present in his silhouette and pose. This is modeled entirely in maya with some scratch and wear added in Zbrush. Textures are done in Mari and the environment is populated with megascans

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