Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
Alex Taylor - Rookies Entry

Alex Taylor - Rookies Entry

Alex Taylor
by alextaylor on 31 May 2019 for Rookie Awards 2019

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Hi, I'm Alex, an environment artist, level designer, and lighting artist currently residing in the UK! I love developing artistic scenes which still look immensely fun to play with. 

Lux was a project made by a two-person team, myself and Anna Tateson. We intended to develop a game trailer which would showcase various environments and some gameplay that we had created, almost like a vertical slice. You play as two witches, as they journey through a huge castle, solving puzzles to save constellations trapped within.

I worked on the environment and lighting for the cutscenes, and tried to create shots that were easy to follow, yet still had a magical feel for them. 

I was in charge of environment and level design for the project, and I'm super pleased with what we have managed to create! I feel we've cemented the characters into the environment well, and I'm happy with the amount of light I've been able to blast everywhere. 

Here's a short gameplay showcase video below. It was entirely made from UE4 Blueprints.

To develop my skills in working from concept art, I decided to use my friend Kay Tang's wonderful piece on a Jade Forest. I really enjoyed lighting this scene and setting up vertex painting for the plants and tree trunks. This project was also spotlighted on the Epic Games Launcher!

Concept Art by Kay Tang!

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