Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
Concept Art Projects - Julie Lafeuille

Concept Art Projects - Julie Lafeuille

Julie Lafeuille
by julielafeuille on 31 May 2019 for Rookie Awards 2019

Here are some of my latest work in concept art and character design :) !

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For the entry to this contest, I decided to showcase multiple project (mainly on concept art) done over the last few years.

The first project is a character design work I have done for a video game trailer.

The game talks about a scrap merchant (Deva) in a post-apocalyptic FarWest openword after the big humanity migration : Year Zero!

I've also made some 3D object for this project : rocks, a satallite and a giant poster

Hare are some render of the final result made with Hugo Aubert

And here is the trailer :

My second project is the pre-production of a VR game : Kursed Ale .

With a team of 4, we are doing a kind of "escape room" in a medieval inn.

I was in charge of all the concepts, from moodboard to designs of objects and characters.

I started with a tone of assets and moodboards for the environment :

Some of our references :

Some moodboards :

Here is the final result :

My next Project is a character design work : The goal of this was to make modular characters, so I made dwarfs!

My references for this project come from the adorable work of Aleksandre Dushai :

The character background is in french so I'll try my best to translate most of it below each pictures!

"Eavy" - "Thick" - "Massive"

"He's suppose to be an antagonist, so I gave him a grumpy look, like someone whom shoes are too small"

And here is the render in 3D (it was simplified because I lack of experiences in Zbrush)

The next one is a project I'm still working on :

It's a Overwatch-like FPS ! (but not multiplayer)

We needed to start with our main character and... here he is!

Since it's an FPS I have to think my design with what we'll see in game.

The environment was mainly designed by someone else, but I helped a little bit on it :

Here is the weapon of the game :

Here are the ennemies :

Then I had to do some parasyte :

Then I had to do the logo of the Bad guys :

And for now I'm still working on the Key Art and the Interface of the game :

Here are some pictures of how the game look so far :

The final project I'll show is an illustration : A fan art of a new clan for Northgard (a game)!

First I made animal studies :

Then I did some quick color research (I was quite short in time so I sticked with what worked first)

I took some times to polish a bit more this illustrations and here is the before / after :

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