Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
Character Design

Character Design

Renèe Jenkins
by reneenicole on 31 May 2019 for Rookie Awards 2019

This entry shows a few of my favourite character design works from this year, including both University provided briefs and personal projects.

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Pacific Mix is a small game design brief given as an option to work on for Multimedia Production at University, run by a third-year student. Pacific Mix is going to be a low poly simulation game inspired by Nintendo's 'Animal Crossing' but with a heavy focus on the ocean's inhabitants. 

I am on the character design team for this brief and have created 3 second-pass designs of NPC's for the player to interact with.

 The below character designs were made in my spare time throughout the year so far:

Payton is a personal character of mine, created as a result of a design exercise. A thief character with a ferret pet/familiar, at the time I was also toying with the idea of him being able to use minor spells or magic abilities.

These 3 cat characters were created for a small scale short film I had planned to work on, but fell through. 

I was given the character names and rough palettes along with a few personality traits and worked on these guys from that point onward. 

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