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Riccardo Tinchelli FX Reel

Riccardo Tinchelli FX Reel

Riccardo Tinchelli
by riccardotinchelli on 30 May 2019 for Rookie Awards 2019

Hi, my name is Riccardo Tinchelli, I'm a Houdini FX artist, my primary expertise is in simulations typically Particle Effects but recently I'm getting more and more also into Fluid Simulation(I'm in love with Ocean Simulations) This is my latest Reel, I hope you'll like it

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Hi, my name is Riccardo Tinchelli, I'm a Houdini FX artist, my primary expertise is in simulations typically Particle Effects but recently I'm getting more and more also into Fluid Simulation(I'm in love with Ocean Simulations)

I usually work in Maya and Houdini and these days I tend to rely more and more on the later for its procedural workflow

To find out more about a project that you saw in my Reel please visit

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