Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Scraby, the scrab crab

Scraby, the scrab crab

Beatriz Lobo Mata
by blobo on 30 Apr 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

The clockworker´s desk, a place where he spends many hours alone. The solitude in a comfortable space. Something that many of us have experienced since remote work became part of our lives.

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Scraby is a clockwork crab born from the fusion of watchmaking objects. This unique model draws inspiration from the sculptures of the talented Hungarian artist Peter Szucsy, who uses metal extracted from watches, cameras, and other objects to bring marvelous creatures to life.

I enjoy giving background stories to my models, and I can't help but envision Scraby as a crab capable of cutting the threads of time. Adding and subtracting minutes, intertwining moments in its claw... this little crustacean is a magnificent temporal guardian!

Let's see how all the pieces of Scraby look separately.

And here's a small assembly manual for putting it together.

Finally, I created the clock worker´s desk, a 3d set to enhance Scarby. After the time I dedicated to him, I thought he deserved it! He looks fantastic in his home!

The scene was created with a lot of affection. I dedicated special time to the lighting to give it the nostalgic tone I was looking for. It's the desk of a watch designer, a place where he spends many hours alone, and it's exactly what I wanted to convey, the solitude in a comfortable space. Something that many of us have experienced since remote work became part of our lives.

To showcase the process, I have attached images of the chosen reference with the final result (with the robot already added). Everything was modeled in Maya, except for the Samocracy Victory, which I created in ZBrush. Then, I textured the entire scene in Substance Painter to achieve a more realistic look.

 Additionally, you can see the final result along with the ambient occlusion and the wireframe. Everything was meticulously modeled, aiming to achieve good topologies to create the cleanest possible UVs.

This project was carried out at my school, so there were some conditions. One of them was to create UVs by materials, so I separated them into wood, metals, stationery, and others. This way, I was able to reduce the textures to 4 maps.

Of course, Scraby was treated separately.

As a final point, here is a turn-around of Scraby.

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