Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
Traversync Motion Media

Traversync Motion Media

by jasonarifin on 1 Jun 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

A motion media for marketing the business startup, Traversync.

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Round of applause for our sponsors


I am Jason Arifin, an illustrator from Jakarta, Indonesia, based in Savannah, Georgia. Last year, I graduated from Savannah College of Art and Design with a BFA in Illustration and a minor in drawing. Throughout many years of illustrating, I enjoyed portraying various subjects, ranging from fashion and pop culture to food and concept art.

Recently, motion media has motivated me to expand my art skill and branch out into the creative industry. I learned the basics in college to create animated illustrations, and I had fun seeing them come to life in motion. Since I graduated, I have been widening my knowledge and building my portfolio in motion media.


Discover places recommended by those you trust most.

An app in development that encourages people to find places from the people they trust and share their itineraries. My responsibilities are creating illustrations and motion media for their social media and merchandise to build curiosity and engagement in their target audience in the app development. I focused on a refreshing and adventurous aesthetic with dynamic and colorful elements for their marketing branding. 

To contribute to its marketing, I wanted to build its social media engagement. I created a motion media showing its followers how to get featured on its social media page by tagging it, using its hashtag, and gifs. Alongside this project, I designed their gifs that are available on multiple social media platforms, including Instagram. By using this marketing method, Traversync will motivate its users to share the places they recommend in and outside of its app.


This project has helped me turn simple animations into dynamic and exciting motion media marketing. I look forward to learning more advanced motion media for marketing tasks.

Thank you for looking through my project. To check out more of my artwork and reach out to me, visit and contact me through my website!

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