Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
2023 Portfolio!

2023 Portfolio!

Hei Kuok
by heikuok on 1 Jun 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

A small collection of the work I completed over the past year. Enjoy!

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Hey... I'm Hei!

I'm a motion design student from Hong Kong, now living in Sarasota, FL to pursue my education. I love working with mixed media, designing in various styles and more. This year, I created a lot of various projects as a Junior and I'd love to share the "crème de la crème" of the bunch.

Hope you enjoy!

Futureproof  |  Design & Motion

One of the bigger projects of the year was creating a possible branding identity and opener for next year's Motion Conference at RCAD. As international students, Hannah and I drew from our own personal experiences and appreciated the welcoming nature of Motion Design that helped our work blossom, so that's why we decided to focus on presenting this facet of creativity within this piece. The idea behind the design was to create something bright and cheerful to really exude a sense of warmth and community, reflecting the encouragement of the major and industry!

Created in collaboration with Hannah Nguyen, both worked on animation, 3D and 2D elements.

Sound design by Kelly Warner.

NBC Olympics  |  Branding

This was a mock branding project for NBC coverage of the Paris Olympics could look like. I was really pushing towards a more bolder, and fresher style to reflect the more modern aesthetic we see these days, and the dynamic shape language was chosen too to reflect the athleticism of the sports presented. The logo and design elements are a more abstract take on the iconic fleur de lis, with elements inspired by the structure of the Louvre, and the beauty of balance with modernization and heritage within Paris.

Boxed in ...  |  3D Exploration

Halfway through the semester, I found myself feeling homesick and scrolling through old images to relive some nostalgia. When looking closely, one of the images stood out to me - this weather worm image of a letterbox. It got me thinking; this could represent different generations of families, and different identities over time through the scribbled notes on the faces. 

Because of this, I got inspired to create a dystopian version of this traditional icon of Hong Kong, focusing on hard surface modelling, lighting, texturing and compositing.

Music by Universal Production Music.


Some smaller personal projects I also wanted to share. I love creating atmosphere with moody atmospheres, and so I used a lot of layers and details to push the feeling of dreaminess within these.

Thank you for looking through my work! I hope you enjoyed peeking at what I've created this year, and look forward to more next year. 


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