Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!


by yunseochoi on 1 Jun 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

I've always wanted to over the boundaries of fashion and art and always wanted to relate to the world works of our real lives. This project captures the moment when people with their passion and talents try to keep themselves breathless trying to survive in the world.

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Breathless Expression:

Unveiling the Fusion of Fashion, Art, and Real Life"

In a relentless pursuit to transcend the conventional boundaries of fashion and art, our project at the Rookie's Awards embarks on a journey to connect with the essence of the world we inhabit. Capturing the spirit of new waves, it delves into the lives of passionate individuals who tirelessly strive to thrive amidst the challenges that confront them.

Breathing, in its truest form, transcends mere inhalation and exhalation; it symbolizes the pursuit of their aspirations. Inspired by the unyielding determination of these individuals, our work seeks to encapsulate their indomitable spirit through the interplay of fabric colors and the artful manipulation of various textiles.

Drawing parallels to our very own lungs, the project unveils a metamorphosis of changing emotions and refined sensations. By leveraging fabric coloration techniques and employing diverse fabric manipulation methods, we aim to create a visual narrative that echoes the intricacies and nuances of their journey.

Join us as we celebrate the harmonious fusion of fashion, art, and real life, immortalizing the resilience and passion of those who dare to embrace their dreams and shape their own destinies.

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