Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
3D Artworks

3D Artworks

Nishigandha Sahasrabudhe
by nishigandha on 1 Jun 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

A compilation of my artworks that I worked on in the past year. I am responsible for all aspects including modeling, texturing, lighting and rendering

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Round of applause for our sponsors

3D Artworks

Chasing Wonder

Lighting - Chelsea Domino


Material nodes

Till death do us part indeed

This piece is about a beautiful, mysterious woman who charms her lovers and leads them into perfidious situations. I have always wanted to create a villainous character, but I wanted to avoid the obvious visual cues that are generally used to depict a villain or an evil character. So I tried to explore and push the style and tried to depict the corrupt motives of the character using facial form and expressions. Everything about the character, including her beautiful features and gorgeous clothes, contrasts her dark, murderous personality.


Head Block-out Options

Dress Options (Design)

Dress - Process

Dress Pattern

Material nodes and UVs

Princess of India

Thank you!

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