Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
Steps to become a 3D Animator

Steps to become a 3D Animator

Gonzalo Nicolás Caamaño Cella
by GonzaloNCC on 31 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

In this entry I will show you my journey through my 3D Animation course at Animum Creativity Advanced School, how I approach every shot and how it ended!

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Hello! My name is Gonzalo and I´m a 3D Animation student at Animum Creativity Advanced School.

I´m so grateful to be able to show you all my shots and progress along my way as a student to become a 3D Animator.

Join me and enjoy!

My first acting shot!

In our first acting shot we were able to study the human body and how it reacts to different situation and emotions.

Here is my progress shot video so you can see how I approached this shot.

And here you can check my thumbnails for this shot so I could get my timing and facial expression right.

As you can see, we can always make little changes to make our shot as good as possible!

You don´t have to know about acting from the beginning, first of all you have to know your body mechanics to make your shot look right!

So here is my study shot for bodymechanics, were I learned how our body moves in the right way.

As always, we need to approach the shot in advance. 

It´s always nice to have some fun!

I love to make people laugh (or at least try to make them laugh) , so in this shot I tried to make a sketch where the character give us some charisma and we empathize with him.

And last but not least, as always some planification!

Thank you so much for watching my steps on my way to become a 3D Animator, I hope you enjoyed my shots as much as I enjoyed working on them!

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