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Erica Rookies  2023

Erica Rookies 2023

Erica Kim
by Ericakim and murielchoi on 31 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Erica Kim Art Director | Illustrator | Motion Designer

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Third Culture Kids are a child who grows up in a culture different from the one in which their parents grew up.

And as a person who was born in the USA and raised in Korea and Thailand, I always struggle to define my identity. Thie project is about showing my struggle in the past and still in the presence of being a Third culture kid and how I express myself now. 


Jogakbo (Korean Quilt) presents the struggle of being Third Culture kids, having a problem finding identity and confusion about finding who we are, using the quilt as the main object to represent how diverse cultures and experience affects our life. 

Process Book

Behind the Scene

Behind every creative process, there’s a behind-the-scenes development that is equally as complex and informative as the final product.

For this year’s Comotion, the theme of ‘balance’ was our inspiration as we searched for elements that could be equal and empowering to each other. We centered our concept around a theater play that uses backstage to represent the process of creating motion media design.

Worked with 

Cathy Lin (Creative Director), Muriel Choi (Designer), Erica Kim (Designer)


Title sequence for film 'Chef'

My partner and I tried to create the title sequence for the film 'Chef.' Using stop-motion, we tried to recreate the process of making a Cuban sandwich as the van travel around the city, just like in the movie.

All assets and animation Created by Erica Kim and Muriel Choi


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