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Solar Showdown

Solar Showdown

Build solar panels, charge up your giant laser, and blast your enemy off the face of the planet! As rival supervillains, there's not room here for the both of you, so make sure you're the one who emerges victorious!

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Solar Showdown

Build solar panels, charge up your giant laser, and blast your enemy off the face of the planet! As rival supervillains, there's not room here for the both of you, so make sure you're the one who emerges victorious!


Solar Showdown is an epic battle between two super villains, each one determined to claim the planet for themselves. Playing as either the Mad Botanist or the Corrupted Farmer, players face off in a down-to-the-wire battle to build 12 solar panels. The first one to accomplish this feat powers up their giant space laser and blasts their enemy off the face of the planet! After all, there isn't room enough for the both of you on this tiny space rock.

In order to build up your solar farm, utilize each of your towers to protect your territory. Solar panels, droid factories, turrets, and shields all play an integral role in this real-time strategy game. To build these towers, you must wisely choose how and when to spend the solar energy you collect with your panels, or you might just find yourself out of luck and out of time. Plot wisely! Letting your nemesis win is not an option.

Solar Showdown is set on an alien planet far away from our hospitable earth. The surface is strange, and covered with areas of highly concentrated solar energy. The beautiful models, effects, and textures of our game transport you to this wild planet and entice you to explore just how ruthless you can be in your pursuit of domination. From the characters themselves to the dust under their space boots, every detail of this game was crafted with passion. Our cinematic and gameplay trailer showcase a fraction of the excitement contained within Solar Showdown.

Nothing can stop you in your mad rush for power! Except, perhaps, that pesky villain neighbor of yours...

Link to Steam Page:



Iterative design was central to our project. During the last six months of development, we held weekly playtests with non-team players. Their feedback was essential for streamlining our UI, developing teaching tools without an explicit tutorial level, figuring which mechanics to keep or prune, and even deciding the win condition itself. With this data, the team then split off to help make the needed changes, may it be in sound design, FX, programming, or UI.

It hurt each time our players struggled to understand the mechanics. However, each week was an improvement, and we quickly had regulars coming back to see the latest developments. Now, our villains stand stronger, prouder, and bolder than ever. With your help, they’re ready to grow, annoy, and destroy each other. It’s game on!

In-Game Images

Cinematic Images

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