Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
Cinematic Minerva

Cinematic Minerva

Carlos Puebla
by carlospuebla on 30 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Hey everyone! I'm thrilled to present my personal project created in Unreal Engine 5 . I've put into practice everything I've learned about layout, lighting, cinematic designer, and rendering to develop an exciting cinematic experience.

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My cinematic adventure begins on this undiscovered planet in space. I've used some awesome spaceship models from Kitbash to bring the sci-fi vibe to life. These spaceships are the key explorers as they cruise through the skies, ready for some epic discoveries. While I started with the default test planet in Unreal Engine, I've tweaked the lighting and effects to match the unique vision I had in mind.

When it comes to lighting, I've applied what I've learned to create an immersive and captivating atmosphere. I've carefully adjusted the planet's lighting to highlight its unique features and create a sense of mystery and adventure. Placing the light sources just right, I've made sure to accentuate the details of the spaceships and breathe life into the environment.

The cinematic designer tool has been my secret weapon for capturing the most thrilling moments of my project. I've set dynamic camera angles to showcase the daring flights of the spaceships and the breathtaking landscapes. By syncing camera movements with music and sound effects, I've aimed to create an immersive and exhilarating experience for the viewers.

Now, let's talk about rendering. I've utilized the impressive capabilities of Unreal Engine 5 to achieve stunning levels of detail and realism. While the default planet may be familiar, I've spiced things up by modifying the visual effects and applying advanced rendering techniques. The result? Beautiful landscapes, shiny reflections on the spaceships, and an overall atmospheric feel that invites the audience into this adventurous world. Each frame has been carefully rendered to capture the sense of exploration and excitement.

In a nutshell, my audiovisual project in Unreal Engine 5 is a true labor of love, showcasing my passion and dedication for creating digital worlds. By using Kitbash spaceships and the default test planet, with my own lighting modifications, I've crafted a cinematic experience that takes viewers on an unforgettable journey to an undiscovered planet. Through my expertise in layout, lighting, cinematic designer, and rendering, I've created a visually stunning and thrilling adventure.

I hope this presentation gives you a glimpse into the vision and creativity I've poured into my personal project. Thanks for tuning in, and get ready to enjoy this cinematic masterpiece in Unreal Engine 5, where spaceships soar through the skies, exploring new frontiers on an uncharted planet!

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