Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
Concept art by Marta Crespo

Concept art by Marta Crespo

Marta Crespo
by MartaCrespo2000 on 30 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Hi! My name is Marta and in this amazing opportunity I will show the best work I have done during my time at Voxel School and some personal projects, I hope you like it and thank you for your time!

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This is a girl I designed based on a dress that I saw on a fashion catwalk, I liked it so much that I had to recreate it in my own way as a character! I gave her that innocent and youthful appearance through her pose and expressions.

This is R1N1! My firefighter robot inspired in R2D2, I used a lot of inspiration from Star Wars and animation films like Robots (2005) or WALL·E.

In this work I made a costume redesign of the character Rhaenyra from the House of the Dragon series based on a futuristic style.

I also love designing creatures, so this time I tried to create an animal that was a mix between a stingray and a crab.

Some studies in portraits (Elf x Peaky Blinders) and cats I feel proud of!

And last but not least, I chose Medusa and Pegasus from the myth of Perseus to redesign them as pirates. 

For the design I did an extensive research on clothing design, for Medusa I made some designs more focused on the field of videogames, while for Pegasus I wanted it to be more set in a character from the Disney film world.


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