Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
The afterlight

The afterlight

Guillaume Deman
by GuillaumeDeman on 28 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

The afterlight is an installation where you can write a message for your deceased loved one on the cemetery. You do this with a lightpen or your smartphone flashlight on a glow-in-the-dark panel. Your message or drawing then dissapears slowly.

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'The afterlight' is an installation where you can write a message for your deceased loved one. You do this through a lightpen or flashlight of your smartphone on a glow-in-the-dark panel.

Below you can find a video from a local artist in Kortrijk, Belgium who tested the glow panel concept with a griefing portrait. Her name is Emma Pauwels and can be found on Instagram as @isa_belle_pfei . 

Our product could be used in different contexts. We believe that griefing is a bigger concept then only losing a loved one. Losing your leg, mobility, job, mental strenght,... also require appropriate griefing. 

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