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Doux Pépin

Doux Pépin

Mathieu Le Roy
by Xennor on 28 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Hi ! My name is Mathieu Le Roy. I'm a french graduated concept art student. Doux pépin is an animated film concept combining 2D and 3D. This project was produced as part of my final year at the Pivaut school. The project essentially revolves around the French countryside, raodtrips on mopeds and beautiful encounters.

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My objective through this project is to represent a France beyond Paris, to travel in small villages, to make beautiful meetings and finally to enjoy the air of the countryside.

My guiding line for this project: Narrative lighting and strong atmospheres

In Romane's house, I wanted to give an impression of calm and serenity a sort of nostalgic feeling emerging from this place.

I tried a new process for this image. Starting with a 2D color sketch, I then switch to Blender and build my 3D scene based on my composition. Applying my painting on my 3D model with Camera Projection and adding lights to the scene. I end up painting the details on 2D 

She is about to start her journey on her moped and comes to say goodbye to her cat who doesn't seem very receptive.

Through these thumbnails, I would like the audience to realize that Romane is an orderly person, that she gives everything for her garage and mechanics.

Romane's garage, we discover her beautiful vehicle, a 50cc Flandria that she has just restored.

The process for this image is the same as above. I just switched during the 3D for a lower camera angle, I found that it gave more presence to the scene.

Meet Romane, an introverted girl who considers nothing more important than mechanics and her moped.

She's getting ready to join the group and finally hit the road.

This animation was created using Blender and Procreate. 

At the end of the day, the whole group meets up at a hostel. That's when Romane meets Clara.

The two of them will continue their journey together.

The inn was entirely modelled and textured in Blender. I painted over some of the images to break up the coldness that 3D can have.

Meet Clara, a very sociable young woman who isn't afraid to speak her mind and take people out of their comfort zone.

Night was beginning to fall, and there was less and less light as we passed under the woods. A family of wild boar and jacks cross the road in front of the motorised duo. They emerged unharmed, but the moped stopped moving.

Dragging the moped along the roadside in the setting sun. They are saved by a farmer on his way home. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this entry.

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