Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!


Faye van der Aa
by fayevda on 27 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

A speculative design fashion collection exploring the future of fashion. This is my collection exploring a concept about plants taking over because of desertification, the limited use of materials and the respect we need to have for nature.

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I am a fashion designer, studying at Willem de Kooning Rotterdam just recently learning the 3D world of fashion.

This project is about my speculative design method to create for the future of fashion. 'Artificial Plant Debris':

“In the not so distant future, in order to combat desertification, humans developed a drug that liberated the stress system of plants meaning they are now our leaders. We made climate change so bad that the plants are now above us on our hierarchy. The mutated plants are trying to get rid of us by replacing the homo-sapiens with a new species that respects plants, uses left over materials and is heavily influenced by the mythical forms and ultimate beauty inherent in plants and flowers”. This is all hypothetical and a speculation, opening up a opportunity to design for a better future'

Video's displaying my collection: 'Artificial Plant-Debris' animations made with Blender, CLO3D and Nomad Sculpt.

CLO3D renders, 4 looks for my collection.

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